Monday, April 6, 2009

Help Your Self

If you are suffering from panic attacks, there are a number of non-drug solutions you can employ to help you deal with them, and which in time should eliminate them all together for the most part. This does not necessarily mean they will go away completely, but the following techniques will teach you the best ways of dealing with them, and reducing their severity and length. Here are some Techniques that could help you overcome your stress.

DON'T BE AFRAID TO SAY SAY NO!!!- If you already have 5 long-term projects you are juggling at work, and a co-worker wants you to help her with hers too, or to take it on, do not be afraid to say no. Don't explain, just be firm and say no and that you have enough on your plate at the moment.

TAKE A BREAK!!!- Whether you work from home, or in an office, every few hours take a break. This also means taking a lunch break that doesn't include staring at your computer screen! You should also make time to get outside and walk a bit. Fresh air and different surroundings will do wonders towards making you a healthier and happier person.

These are the long term solutions that you have to know and learn to overcome your panic attacks

  1. LEARN TO BREATH PROPERLY!!!- When you are stressed you breathe in a shallow fashion, this can lead into a panic attack. So, if you are feeling overly stressed and feel the onset of a panic attack coming on, stop whatever you are doing and breathe deeply. Pull the air in through your nose and completely fill your lungs, Hold the air in for a second to circulate and then let it out, also through your nose. If you do this for 5 or 6 breaths at the onset of a panic attack, you will begin to feel better right away.
  2. TAKE SOME TIME OFF AND DO YOGA!!!- Yoga is a wonderfull way to relax . Yoga also develops the muscles around the spine and the abdominal area, when these areas are strong you not only become more healthy, but you are more relaxed. There are many different forms of yoga, but the one which teaches you to relax and unwind is called Restorative Yoga, and can be very beneficial to the person suffering from panic attacks.
  3. DIET!!!!!!!!- When it comes to your diet, the best thing you can do for yourself if you suffer from panic attacks is eliminate caffeine, and any other stimulants from your diet. Caffeinee or any stimulant for that matter exacerbates panic attacks by revving your system up. When you suffer from panic attacks you don't want a revved up system, you want a relaxed system, and while this may be difficult at first especially if you one of those people who can't wake up without your first cup of coffee, you will feel better for it. Instead substitute peppermint tea which will help you to wake up, but without the awful stimulant effect you get from coffee.

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